Socialist Alternative

Lynn Walsh

Obituary: Lorraine Dardis (1965-2018)

Lorraine Dardis, a founding member of the organization now known as Socialist Alternative, has tragically died, aged only 53. She conducted a determined struggle...

Anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s Assassination

On 21 August 1940 Leon Trotsky, the Marxist thinker and fighter, and co-leader of the Russian Revolution, along with Lenin, was murdered by one of Stalin’s agents.

The New Capitalist Elite

Plutocrats wield power and influence by virtue of their wealth. The ultra-free-market, globalised capitalism of recent years has produced a new breed of super-rich...

Obituary: Victor Paananen

Vic Paananen, who died on 24 March, aged 75, was a veteran socialist activist. A longstanding supporter of the Committee for a Workers’...

A Way Out of Depression? Answering Paul Krugman’s Keynesian Proposals

Global capitalism is mired in depression. A Keynesian tract for our times by Paul Krugman proposes a way out. Review: End This Depression Now! By...