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Trump Goes All In On Ethnic Cleansing

Last night, millions around the world gasped in horror as news reports of a...

Trump Takes Office Again: Prepare For A Massive Fight Against The Far Right & Capitalism

Today, Donald Trump took office as President of the United States for the second...

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Trump 2.0 — World Braces For Turmoil

The return of Donald Trump as US president marks a turning point for a...

The Working Class Must Fight Deportations

Socialist Alternative stands unequivocally against mass deportations. The working class is international because capitalism...

Fighting For Trans Rights: Out of the Bathrooms & Into the Streets!

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office could hear chants echoing down the halls of the...

No Tears For Slain CEO But Assassinations Won’t Save Us: End For-Profit Healthcare

Early in the morning of December 4, in downtown Manhattan, a masked gunman fatally...

Fight Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants with Working Class Solidarity

Divide-and-rule is an age-old tool by the ruling elite to keep those at the...

Trump Is The Symptom, Capitalism Is The Disease

In the wake of Trump’s sweeping victory, millions of young and working people are...

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