Socialist Alternative


Southern Europe: New Economic Crisis, Old Structural Causes

Fighting Left Alternative Desperately Needed Vladimir Bortun, Nikos Anastasiadis, Athina Kariati, Jonas Von Vossole, Guiliano...

Spanish State: The Coronavirus and the Crisis of Capitalism

By John Hird, Socialismo Revolucionario (ISA in the Spanish state) Vitoria-Gasteiz The coronavirus crisis has...

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Catalonia: General Strike Today… Intensify the Struggle!

Escalate the general strike tactic, build the movement democratically from below  By John Hird &...

Committee for a Workers International School Report

Socialist Alternative is connected in political solidarity to the broad, cross-border movement for a...

An Answer to Pablo Iglesias

The struggle for Catalan independence has re-awakened the masses in the past few months,...

Catalan Elections: Historic Defeat for Spanish Nationalist Reaction

Esquerra Revolucionaria (CWI in Catalonia) Movement mobilises once more for the Catalan Republic The Catalan elections...

Catalonia: Over One Million March to Free Political Prisoners

Struggle until victory, for a workers’ Republic of Catalonia On Saturday 11 November, a massive...

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