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planned economy

ESG: Big Business’s Latest Greenwashing Scheme

Each year, the global climate crisis becomes more severe. The year 2023 was the...

How Socialism Can Save The Planet

In 2020, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sat down on CNBC to urge the world’s...

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A Socialist World Is Possible: What is Socialism, and How Could We Win It?

Record inequality, crippling debt, a devastating pandemic, unfulfilling and unsafe jobs, discrimination and abuse,...

The End of Growth? The Capitalist Economy & Ecological Crisis

The question of economic growth and its relation to the climate crisis is a...

Winning the Green New Deal and Medicare for All: Modern Monetary Theory or Marxism?

The global economic crisis has made clearer than ever the need for social spending....

We Have to Fight for a Workers Recovery

In a crisis, the ruling class tends to sugarcoat the real economic situation. Politicians...

Socialism: How Would a Planned Economy Work?

Defense of democratic socialist planning a fundamental task for successful social transformation Peter Delsing, LSP/PSL...

Capitalism and COVID-19: Why We Need a Planned Economy

Capitalism is set up like a house of cards. Disjointed supply chains, competition for...

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