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HomeTagsPaper issue 96

paper issue 96

What Will It Really Take To Solve The Student Debt Crisis?

The federal moratorium on student debt payments ends today, meaning student loan interest payments...

How Socialism Can Save The Planet

In 2020, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sat down on CNBC to urge the world’s...

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Lessons From the Fight for Rent Control in Seattle

As in most American cities, working people in Seattle face an unprecedented housing affordability...

The New Cold War Heats Up

The last few years have seen a sharp rise in geopolitical tension centered on...

Filtered Reality: Social Media & The Beauty Industry

Growing up in the 2000s meant you were inundated with headlines telling you how...

Barbie: A Socialist Film Review

Barbie is setting box office records, and it's easy to see why. A pink-imbued...

Students For Cornel West: Fighting Back Against The Billionaires & The Right Wing

When Trump was finally defeated in the 2020 election, millions of young and working...

We Won’t Let Them Divide Us: Marxism And The Fight For Freedom From Oppression

The most dire consequences of oppression are hard to compute. Mass death through ethnic...

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