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Marine Le Pen

Right-Wing Politicians Throw Migrants Under (and onto) The Bus

Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent the first busload of immigrants to Washington nearly two...

France: Movement Against Pension Reform Continues

Build the general strike with general assemblies in all workplaces! Such a movement has not...

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World Perspectives: Capitalist System Faces Political and Social Upheavals

The underlying crisis of world capitalism has, as we predicted, significantly deteriorated in the...

France In Revolt

For more than a month now, since November 17, France has seen an apparently...

France: Groundswell of Support for Left Candidates in Presidential Race

Old Political Elite Discredited The presidential election in France is gathering pace and has become...

Europe in the Aftermath of the Brexit Shock

Report from the CWI School Brexit provided the dramatic backdrop to the discussion on Europe...

Aftermath of Paris Attacks

Right Makes Gains The atrocities committed by ISIS in Paris on Friday, November 13 were...

France: Millions March for Solidarity

Unity against racism and capitalism! Nearly four million people marched in the streets of France...

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