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LGBTQ Rights

I Spent My Summer Fighting for Revolutionary Change

Young people everywhere are grappling with the horrors of war and imperialism, attacks on...

Big Business’ Performative Pride

As we enter Pride month, a time of year where many people find courage...

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How The Movement Against The Vietnam War Electrified The Fight For Queer Rights

This Pride month will mark the passage of eight months since Israel’s invasion of...

Attacks On Trans People Grow Internationally

By Greyson Van Arsdale (United States) and Ollie Bell (Ireland). Despite the increased awareness and...

How Was Marriage Equality Really Won? Lessons For The Movement Today

Marriage equality has been the crowning achievement of the queer rights movement since the...

For LGBTQ People, Democrats’ Bid For The Center Is A Race To The Bottom

With anti-LGBTQ panic at the center of Republicans’ culture wars and bigots like Ron...

A Tale of Three Rulings

Within the span of two days at the end of June, the Supreme Court...

Fair Play: Debunking Right-Wing Myths About Trans Athletes

In 2023, the tide of public opinion increasingly favors protections for transgender individuals. But...

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