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Kshama Sawant

The Case For Voting Jill Stein In The Trump Era

Bia Lacombe was formerly Chief of Staff of Kshama Sawant’s City Council office. Marxists fight...

UNDEFEATED: Lessons From 10 Years Of A Socialist In Office

Long before Bernie Sanders and AOC were household names, Kshama Sawant was elected as...

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Socialist-Led Fight Wins Ceasefire Resolution

On the afternoon of Tuesday November 21st, over 500 anti-war activists and working people,...

As Israel Bombs Gaza, Congress Targets Rashida Tlaib

The House of Representatives, including both Republicans and over 20 Democrats, voted on November...

Cops Investigating Cops Will Never Work: We Need Working-Class Oversight!

On January 24th, 2023, a 23-year-old exchange student from India, Jaahnavi Kandula, was killed...

Lessons From the Fight for Rent Control in Seattle

As in most American cities, working people in Seattle face an unprecedented housing affordability...

Seattle Renters Call Out Democratic Party at Rent Control Public Hearing

After decades of a deepening housing crisis, it’s news to no one that across...

How Can We Actually Fight Capitalism?

What Is Capitalism And Can It Be Defeated?  More and more young people prefer socialism...

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