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Five Star Movement

On Italy’s Horizon – Economic Crisis and New Instability

Less than two years after the last election, Italy may soon have to vote...

Italy: “The Government of Change” is Born

Giuliano Brunetti, Resistenze Internazionale (CWI, Italy) Three months after the general election of 4 March,...

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Italian Elections: Growth of Right Populism

The Italian election on March 4 saw the biggest political shake-up in over 20...

Italy: Election Amidst Economic Crisis, Instability and Ungovernability

Giuliano Brunetti, Resistenze Internazionali (CWI Italy) A few weeks before the 4 March general election,...

Europe in the Aftermath of the Brexit Shock

Report from the CWI School Brexit provided the dramatic backdrop to the discussion on Europe...

Euro Polls Warning

In country after country, May’s elections to the European parliament saw governments and traditional...

Net Political Impact

Technology and the means of communication have been transformed significantly over the last few...

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