Socialist Alternative


What’s Behind The Crisis & Chaos In Venezuela

As Venezuela heads into an election on July 28, the country is clearly not...

Analyzing the Belarusian Revolution and the Tasks of Socialists

Supratsiwlenine Pratsownykh (Workers’ Resistance, ISA supporters in Belarus) Since August 10, when the results of...

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World Perspectives: Capitalist System Faces Political and Social Upheavals

The underlying crisis of world capitalism has, as we predicted, significantly deteriorated in the...

Venezuela After the Presidential Elections

Izquierda Revolucionaria (CWI in Venezuela) Neither the capitalists nor bureaucracy can solve the crisis! Build a...

Book Review — Halfway House: Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise

Book review by Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today, July/August 2011 issue Serious capitalist representatives and...

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