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big pharma

Viral Cop “Overdoses” Fuel Fentanyl Misinformation

Ranson Thomas is an RN, MSN in nursing education. Fentanyl has been in use by...

Big Pharma Profiteering Brings Major Medication Shortages

Many pediatricians say they can’t remember seeing so many kids this sick at the...

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$65,000 a Minute: Big Pharma Profits Soar from Vaccine Monopolies

Moderna released its 2021 annual report which showed the pharmaceutical giant made $12.2 billion...

Delta Variant Prolongs Pandemic Chaos

Although much of the U.S. has enjoyed a summer dip in new COVID-19 cases...

Vaccination Rates Slow in the U.S.: What’s Behind Vaccine Hesitancy?

If getting vaccinated can protect you, your friends and family, and maybe even the...

Can Capitalism Solve a Plague? Global Vaccine Inequality Spells Disaster

The U.S. is approaching “back to normal.” Millions are vaccinated, the CDC nixed its...

Mass Pressure Forces Biden to Reverse Position on Big Pharma’s Vaccine Patents

For months, a global struggle has been developing to demand that the governments of...

COVID Threat Still Looms: Immediate Action Needed

As winter storms blew across the U.S. this February, slowing the vaccine rollout nationwide,...

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