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Alexandra Kollontai

Thousands of Nameless and Faceless Heroes: The History of the Trotskyist Left Opposition

On August 20, 1940, Lev Davidovich (Leon) Trotsky was brutally murdered by one of...

Lenin: 150 Years Since His Birth

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by his revolutionary alias, Vladimir Lenin, was born in...

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China Miéville’s October Defends Revolution but Fails to Counter Anti-Bolshevik Slanders

Per-Åke Westerlund (first published in the Swedish socialist paper, Offensive) One hundred years after the...

Alexandra Kollontai: Pioneer of the Struggle for Socialism and Women’s Liberation

Christine Thomas, first published (extracts) in Socialism Today (March 2003), monthly magazine of the...

Women’s & LGBT Liberation in Revolutionary Russia

Young people internationally are being politicised by the oppression of women and LGBT people,...

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