Works Cited
Books and Pamphlets
Arnison, Jim. Leo McGree – What a Man… What a Fighter! Union of Construction Allied Trades and Technicians, 1980.
Braddock, Jack and Bessie. The Braddocks. MacDonald and Co, 1963.
Branson, Noreen. Popularism 1919-25 – George Lansbury and the Councilors’ Revolt. Lawrence and Wishart, 1979.
Carter, Trevor with Jean Coussins. Shattering Illusions – West Indians in British Politics. Lawrence and Wishart, 1986.
Crick, Michael. Militant. Faber and Faber, 1984.
Crick, Michael. The March of Militant. Faber and Faber, 1986.
Fox, R.M. Jim Larkin – Irish Labour Leader. New York: International Publishers Inc., 1957.
Fryer, Peter. Staying Power – The History of Black People in Britain. Pluto Press, 1984. (This edition: 1985.)
Gilmour, Sir Ian. Inside Right. Quartet, 1979.
Hamling, William. A Short History of the Liverpool Trades Council. Liverpool Trades Council and Labour Party, 1948.
Hikins, H.R. Building the Union – Studies on the Growth of the Workers’ Movement on Merseyside: 1756-1987. Liverpool Toulouse Press, 1973.
Hikins, H.R. “The Liverpool General Transport Strike, 1911.” Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 113 (1961): 169-95. (Reprint: Toulouse Press, 1980.)
Kilroy-Silk, Robert. Hard Labour. Chatto and Windus, 1986.
Larkin, Emmet. James Larkin: Irish Labour Leader, 1876-1947. Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 1965. (Reprint: New English Library Mentor Books, 1968.)
Leapman, Michael. Kinnock. Unwin Myman, 1987.
Liverpool Black Caucus. The Racial Politics of Militant in Liverpool – The Black Community’s Struggle for Participation in Local Politics, 1980-86. Merseyside Area Profile Group and Runneymeade Trust, 1986.
Liverpool City Council. Success Against the Odds. Liverpool City Council Public Relations and Information Unit, 1986.
Militant, Liverpool Fights the Tories. Militant Publications, 1984.Mortimer, J.E. History of the Boilermakers’ Society. Vol. 2: 1906-39. George Allen and Unwin, 1982.
Parkinson, Michael. Liverpool on the Brink. Policy Journals, 1985.
Rose, John. Solidarity Forever. Kings Cross Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, 1987.
Sivanandan, A. A Different Hunger: Writings of Black Resistance. Pluto Press, 1982. (New edition: 1987.)
Toole, Millie. Mrs. Bessie Braddock, M.P. Robert Hale Ltd, 1957.
Trotsky, Leon. The History of the Russian Revolution. 3 vols. Victor Collancz Ltd, 1932-33. (Volume used: 1966.)
Trotsky, Leon. “Their Morals and Ours.” The New International. 4.6 (June 1938): 163-173.
Trotsky, Leon. Writings on Britain. Vol. 3. New Park Publications, 1974.
Waller, P.J. Democracy and Sectarianism: A Political and Social History of Liverpool, 1868-1939. Liverpool University Press, 1981.
City of Liverpool NALGO Branch News.
Conduct of Local Authority Business. “Committee of Inquiry into the Conduct of Local Authority Business, Research Volume 1V: Aspects of Local Democracy” (HMSO, June 1986.)
Dromey, Jack. “Report by Jack Dromey to General Executive Committee of the Transport & General Workers’ Union on Budget Settlement of November 1985.”
Jenkin, Patrick. “Press Notice of the Department of Environment and a letter from Patrick Jenkin to Davil Blunkett.”
“Labour Party Conference Resolutions” (1984-86.)
Miscellaneous documents of Liverpool City Council.
Liverpool Council Worker.
“Minutes and Reports of Liverpool Labour Party” (1969-79.)
Correspondence between officers of the Labour Party and officers of Liverpool Labour Party and those later facing disciplinary measures, between their legal representatives.
“Minutes and Reports of Liverpool Trades Council” (1969-75.)
Mulhearn, Tony. Council correspondence of Tony Mulhearn.
NUPE Liverpool City Branch News.
Newspapers and Periodicals Quoted
Black Linx.
Bournemouth Evening Echo.
British Nationalist.
Campaign Group News.
Caribbean Times.
Catholic Pictorial.
City Limits.
Conservative Newsline.
Daily Express.
Daily Mail.
Daily Mirror.
Daily Star.
Daily Telegraph.
De Waarheid (Holland).
The Economist.
Evening Standard.
Financial Times.
Glasgow Evening Times.
Glasgow Herald.
The Independent.
Irish Times.
Labour Briefing.
Labour Herald.
Labour Weekly.
Liverpool Daily Post.
Liverpool Echo.
Liverpool Star.
London Daily News.
London Labour Briefing.
Mail on Sunday.
Marxism Today.
Mersey Militant.
Militant International Review.
Morning Star.
New Musical Express.
New Socialist.
New Society.
New Statesman.
News of the World.
News on Sunday.
Not the Echo!.
Liverpool Labour News.
NUPE Journal.
Private Eye.
Public Service.
Seven Days.
Sheffield Star.
Socialist Fight.
Socialist Worker.
Socialist Worker Review.
Sunday Express.
Sunday Mirror.
Sunday People.
Sunday Telegraph.
Sunday Times.
Tidningen (Sweden).
Time Out.
The Times.
Workers’ Vanguard (Nigeria).