Bibliography and Suggested Reading

The sources we have used for this book include newspapers, magazines and books. The periodicals used include Do or Die!, Ecologist, Economist, Guardian, Independent, Independent on Sunday, New Ground, New Scientist, New Statesman, Observer, Scientific American, South American, Sunday Times and The Times. The following is a list of books that we have consulted or used in other ways. There is a virtual industry in writing on the environment, so we have highlighted and made brief comments against those books that we particularly recommend.

Where to Start

Living in the Environment: Miller, Wadsworth, 1994

(a general view of environmental issues. A textbook but well written and presented)

The Roots of Modern Environmentalism: Pepper, Routledge, 1986

(a good review of different outlooks, not as good as Eco-socialism (see below) but easier to read!)

General Issues

Our Stolen Future: Colborn, Myers & Dumanoski, Little Brown, 1986

(investigates the effects of synthetic chemicals, particularly on hormones)

Silent Spring: Rachel Carson, Hamilton, 1965

(the classic book that first drew attention to the effects of toxic chemicals)

Environmental Systems: White Mottershead etc., Chapman & Hall, 1994

Human Impact on the Environment: Goudie

Changing the Face of the Earth: Simmons, Blackwell, 1989

State of the World: Worldwatch Institute

Man Made the Town: Middleton

Philosophy and Politics

Eco-Socialism: From Deep Ecology to Social Justice: Pepper, Routledge, 1993

(Philosophical defence of the Marxist Approach, but written for university students. Not easy to read, but worth it!)

How Deep is Deep Ecology?: Bradford, Times Change Press, 1989

(the classic book that first drew attention to the effects of toxic chemicals)

Environmentalism: O’Riordon, Pio, 1981

Catastrophe or Cornucopia: Cotgrave, Wiley, 1982

Gaia: Lovelock, OUP, 1979

(important theory for many ‘Deep Greens’)

Population Bomb: Erlich, 1970

(we have a go at this in this book, but see for yourself)

Small is Beautiful: Schumacher, Blond & Briggs, 1973

Managing the Commons: Harden & Baden, Freeman, 1977

(includes ‘the tragedy of the commons’)

Whose Common Future?: The Ecologist, Earthscan, 1993

(good on discussing Hardin)

Green Politics

The Green Reader: Dobson (Ed.), Deutsch, 1991

Green Political Thought: Dobson, Hyman, 1990

What on Earth is to Be Done?: Red-Green Study Group, 1995

(tries to bridge the gap between ‘Reds’ and ‘Greens’)

Ecology for Beginners: Croall & Rankin, Icon, 1992

Green Consumer Guide: Elkington & Hailes, Gollancz, 1988

Green Capitalism: Elkington & Burke, Gollancz, 1987


Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man: Engels

(or, if you’re feeling adventurous, try Anti-Dühring by Engels: again, not easy but worth it)

Marx & Engels on Ecology: Parsons, 1977, Greenwood

(Out of print, but very good if you can find it – as long as you ignore the Stalinist madness in the second half of the introduction!)

Economic and Political Manuscripts of 1848: Marx

Socialism & Human Survival: Australian DSP, 1990, New Course

Marxism & Ecology: Grundmann, Clarendon, 1991

The Conditions of the Working Class in England (Engels) & some chapters of Capital and Gundrisse (Marx) also have some useful material on conditions in the towns and cities.


The Energy Question: Foley, Penguin, 1987

(A good general review of uses and sources of energy)

The Future of Energy Use: Hill, O’Keefe & Snape, Earthscan, 1995

Global Warming

The Greenhouse Effect: Boyle & Ardill, New English Library, 1989

(Clearly explains the causes and possible effects of global warming)

Turning Up the Heat: Pearce

Hunger & Neo-Colonialism

How the Other Half Dies: Susan George, 1976, Penguin

(Some of the examples are a bit out-of-date, but still the best explanation of the real reasons for world hunger)

Natural Disaster: Acts of God, Acts of Man: Wijerman & Timberlake, Earthscan

A Fate Worse than Debt: Susan George, 1988, Penguin

Ill Fares the Land: Susan George, 1984, Penguin

Early Colonialism

A Long and Terrible Shadow: Berger, 1991

Open Veins of Latin America: Galeano, 1971

Bio-Diversity & Rainforests

The Diversity of Life: E. O. Wilson: Harvard, 1992

The Fate of the Forest: Hecht & Cockburn: Penguin, 1990

(Excellent on the history of exploitation and the fight to defend the Amazon)

Fight for the Forest: C. Mendes, LAS, 1992

Introduction to World Forestry: Westoby, 1989

In the Rainforest: Caulfield

Water and Soil

The Dammed: F. Pearce, 1992

(Deals with the waste of mega-projects and the alternatives)

The Threatening Desert: Alan Grainger, Earthscan, 1990

Our Food, Our Land: Richard Body, Rider, 1991 (on government food policy)

Jobs and the Environment

Jobs and the Environment: Tindale, SERA, 1996

(Provides some useful facts and info, but New Labour-type solutions are pathetic)

Transport and the Environment: TGWU, 1995

The Lucas Aerospace Plan: A New Trade Unionism in the Making: Wainwright & Elliot, Alison and Busby, 1982

Swords to Ploughshares: Renners, Worldwatch Institute

Transport & Cities

Shaping Cities: Marcia Lowe, World Watch Institute, 1991

Alternatives to Automobiles: Marcia Lowe, World Watch Institute, 1991

Beyond the Car: Essays on the Auto Culture: Zielenski & laird (eds.), Steel Rail Press, 1995

Reclaiming our Cities and Towns: Engwicht, New Society Publishers, 1993

Human Nature & Evolution

Ever Since Darwin: Stephen Jay Gould, Penguin, 1980

(We would recommend virtually all of Gould’s writings, but this is probably the best in dealing with science in society and it’s distortions)

The Doctrine of DNA: Biology as Ideology: Lewontin, Penguin, 1993

(the best & most readable scientific challenge to biological determinism)

Not in our Genes: Rose, Lewontin & Kamin, Penguin, 1998

More than the Parts: Biology and Politics: Birk & Silvertowm (eds), Pluto, 1984

The People of the Lake: Leakey & Lewin, Pelican, 1991

Origins Reconsidered: Leakey & Lewin, Abacus, 1992


Stark: Ben Elton, 1989

Last Chance to See: Douglas Adams