Socialist Alternative

Tom Costello

France: Government On The Ropes — Now Kick Out Macron &...

On December 5, French President Emmanuel Macron was dealt a major blow. His government, led by Michel Barnier fell as it faced a no-confidence...

Robert Owen and Utopian Socialism

By Tom Costello, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales and Scotland) This year marks 250 years since the birth of a legendary utopian socialist. While...

“Dripping with Blood and Dirt”: How British Capitalism Relied on Slavery

Tom Costello, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales, and Scotland) “Somebody sent me a leading article from The Economist the other day about the slave trade. It...

Global Climate Revolt Discussed at the CWI International Executive Committee

A damning report last year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that we have just 12 years to take action before a...