Socialist Alternative

Urgent Solidarity: Stop the Eviction of Monique White!

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Like millions of other families, a single mother living in North Minneapolis, Monique White, is facing an eviction hearing on Monday. The police could arrive any day after that to rip her and her family out of their home. Occupy Homes MN is fighting back! We can stop it! You can help! Let the Senior VP of US Bank, the Mayor, and FreddieMac’s attorneys, know that when Monique speaks, her voice is multiplied by the millions that make up the 99%.

  • You can make a difference with three short phone calls!
  • Call back every day until they negotiate with Monique White.
  • Invite your friends to do the same (facebook)

Make sure to introduce yourself!

-Call R.T. Ryback, Mayor of Minneapolis
Remind him that the police protect and serve the people, not the profits of the big banks. Tell him not to use the Minneapolis Police Department to evict Monique White!
Number: 612-673-2100

-Call Tom Joyce, Senior Vice President of US Bank
Tell him to negotiate with Monique White, and give her an affordable mortgage.
Number: 612-303-3167
e-mail: [email protected]

-Call Reiter and Schiller, local FreddieMac Attorney’s office
These lawyers have handled hundreds of thousands of foreclosure cases. Tell them to postpone the eviction notice on Monique White.
Number: 651-209-9760

DONATE: Donate to Occupy Homes today to help Monique and other homeowners fend off the big banks.

DONATE: Please also considering donating to Socialist Alternative. We continue to play a central building Occupy Homes Minnesota, bringing volunteer and staff resources into the struggle, and offering clear ideas on how to expand this movement. Half of all donations to Socialist Alternative made at this link will go to Occupy Homes MN.

Background Story

Monique bought her home in North Minneapolis in 2003, the first person in her family to own a home. She is a single mother.

She made timely payments on the home until the housing bubble burst, causing the entire economy to spiral into recession. Because of state budget cuts, Monique and 2,000 other co-workers lost their jobs overnight. Monique kept her part-time job, but could not afford the payments.

Monique says “I’m not asking for a handout. All I’m asking for is that they come to meet with me and negotiate.”

Monique’s Story: Facing Foreclosure from Peter Leeman on Vimeo.
On Friday, March 24th Monique was served with an eviction notice. 51% of the homes in her neighborhood have been foreclosed on already; US Bank received record profits last quarter.

It’s time to draw the line in the sand, and demand US Bank stop ruining neighborhoods, and negotiate with all homeowners.

It’s time to tell Mayor Ryback that the police department should serve the people, not the profits of the banks.

Please sign the petition demanding that US Bank negotiate with Monique!

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