Socialist Alternative

Support the IBEW NYC Spectrum Workers Strike

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Stop Charter/Spectrum Union Busting! Defend Pensions and Benefits

Over 1,800 employees of Charter/ Spectrum (formerly employed by Time Warner) have been forced on strike after the company refused to bargain. The bosses have pulled their union-busting tactics directly “from the corporate playbook.”  Tom Rutledge of Charter Communications was one of the highest paid CEO’s of 2016 in the top 200 pulling a $98 million dollar pay package.

Members of the NYC City Council are threatening to cancel city contracts with the company if they do not resolve this dispute.

Charter/ Spectrum is using subcontractors from other states in violation of the New York City Franchise Agreement. There are also attacks on shop steward representation, health care and pension benefits and the ending of social security, overtime pay and educational contributions in their proposals.

Job conditions are another key issue. The company has forced employees to use equipment that does not provide broadband speeds required by customers. Workers have been disciplined if they make repeat visits to increase speeds. Charter/ Spectrum is being sued by the NYS Attorney General for for lying about their internet speed.

Socialist Alternative spoke to IBEW striker Christian who addressed our Harlem branch.

“We have been out picketing for 73 days and although it’s difficult there’s a determination to win. We can’t afford to accept the attacks on pensions and benefits in the company’s proposals. There is also a principal of defending union organizing which the company want to break in New York and then attack across the country. When asked, even by the Mayor and city politicians to justify the use of non-union contractors and what work they are carrying out there are no answers from bosses. The company’s service provision is getting worse and unsafe. Please support our pickets and raise our strike in the media as we have been ignored by the major press.”

Socialist Alternative is organizing solidarity with the IBEW pickets in NYC and support for the strike. The example of the Verizon strike victory, the campaign of CWA around AT&T and the struggles for $15 in the fast food industry show publicly visible militant strike action appealing to the public for support gets results and pushes back anti- union greedy bosses who use takeovers to attack hard won workforce rights. The labor movement can build its strength by fully mobilizing publicity and support for these struggles, many of which involve younger workers who have demonstrated a real interest in defending and rebuilding a powerful union movement.     

Come join the picket lines at: 700 Broadway near Washington Square Park 8-5pm

More info on the strike and other pickets at this rank and file website

Send solidarity messages to Local 3

[email protected] copy in [email protected]

Send postal letters to;
158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr Ave
Flushing, NY 11365-3095

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