Socialist Alternative

Justice‘s Reply to Letter Re: “How Women Won the Right to Choose”

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Dear Roberta,

The women’s liberation movement of the ’60s and ’70s succeeded in altering many laws and social attitudes related to women’s rights. But by failing to replace capitalism with socialism, corporate bosses are able to super-exploit women as a second-class section of the workforce, while continuing to profit from women’s unpaid labor in the home that reproduces the next generation of exploitable workers.

Only by the working class uniting to take the large corporations into public ownership can we ensure that society provides all the services you advocate for achieving women’s genuine liberation: free abortion, healthcare and childcare, years of paid parental leave, and equal pay for equal work. Only this kind of socialist society can guarantee all parents the freedom to choose to stay home to raise their children without having to overwork themselves or give up their careers.

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