Socialist Alternative


2020 Oakland School Board Elections: Push the Privatizers Back!

The physical attack and arrests led by police against parents and teachers at the...

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Community Blocks Privatization of Houston Schools

Over 100 students, teachers, parents, and activists attended a special meeting of the Houston...

Puerto Rico: Disaster Continues

Over three months ago, Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the island Puerto Rico. There...

Fight Privatization of Boston’s Public Transit!

Monday, November 20, marked a new attack on the working people of Greater Boston....

Boston: Threat to Privatize Mass Transit

Keep Public Transportation Public! The flyer below was distributed by Socialist Alternative members at a...

Teachers in Seattle demand better wages and high-quality education for all

In a time when public education and teachers’ unions are under attack nationwide from “right to work (for less)” legislation and attacks brought to the U.S. Supreme Court, educators and paraprofessionals in the Seattle Public Schools are taking a stand against an unresponsive district and a malfeasant state legislature.

Corbyn’s British Labour Party Leadership Bid Shows Anti-Austerity Message Popular

Militant Tendency held up as bogeyman by Labour right and media - What’s the...

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