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HomeTagsLeon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky

Lenin’s Real Legacy, 100 Years On

January 21, 2024 marked the 100th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,...

Review: Radek, a Novel by Stefan Heym

In an old Soviet joke, three prisoners are in a Stalinist gulag. The first...

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A Socialist World Is Possible: What is Socialism, and How Could We Win It?

Record inequality, crippling debt, a devastating pandemic, unfulfilling and unsafe jobs, discrimination and abuse,...

Thousands of Nameless and Faceless Heroes: The History of the Trotskyist Left Opposition

On August 20, 1940, Lev Davidovich (Leon) Trotsky was brutally murdered by one of...

Socialism: How Would a Planned Economy Work?

Defense of democratic socialist planning a fundamental task for successful social transformation Peter Delsing, LSP/PSL...

Lenin: 150 Years Since His Birth

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by his revolutionary alias, Vladimir Lenin, was born in...

How the Bolsheviks Treated the National Question

Rob Jones, Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia) A century after the October revolution, the approach...

January 9, 1905: “Bloody Sunday” – The Start of the First Russian Revolution

On January 9th 1905, hundreds of thousands of Russian workers flooded out on a...

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