Socialist Alternative


Five Things You Need To Know About The Catastrophe In Gaza

What is happening in Gaza right now? The Gaza Strip is an area roughly the...

Is It Antisemitic To Protest Israel?

Workers and young people have continued to take to the streets in solidarity with...

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Stop The War On Gaza!

People across the world are watching with horror at the extreme escalation in the...

Amid Normalization Of Occupation And Siege, New War Erupts

EDITOR'S NOTE: The dramatic actions of warfare this weekend — with over one thousand...

Israel-Palestine: New Capitalist Government of Occupation

Shahar Ben Horin, Socialist Struggle Movement (ISA in Israel/Palestine) 12-year-old Muhammad al-‘Alami, was shot to...

Despite Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, State Repression Continues

A fragile ceasefire has been agreed after the worst cycle of violence in Gaza...

Jerusalem Burns Again: What’s Really Happening in East Jerusalem & Sheikh Jarrah?

Uri Bar-Shalom Agmon and Yasha Marmer, Socialist Struggle (ISA in Israel-Palestine). Police broke into al-Aqsa...

The New Israeli-Arab “Peace” Deal

With the outbreak of the “normalization” of relations between Israel and UAE and Bahrain,...

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