Socialist Alternative


No Surprises in Greek General Election

SYRIZA responsible for ND’s return Slightly edited editorial comment by Xekinima (CWI in Greece), published...

Ascenso y caída de Syriza

El 5 de julio de 2015 se celebró en Grecia un histórico referéndum contra...

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The Rise and Fall of Syriza

On 5 July 2015 a historic referendum took place in Greece against the European...

Greece: Mass Abstention Dominates General Election

On 20 September, Syriza was returned to power in a snap general election and is set to share power again with the right-wing Independent Greeks.

Greece: 20 September elections – ‘No’ to the Memorandum parties!

Mass revolutionary Left needed to find way out of crisis of capitalist system

“La clase obrera demostró que volverá a la lucha”: Entrevista con un socialista griego

Después de la capitulación de Syriza, dando los primeros pasos hacia la construcción de...

“The Working Class Showed it Will Return to Struggle”: Interview with a Greek Socialist

After Syriza capitulates, taking first steps towards building a new mass Left alternative to...

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras Crosses the Rubicon

July 9th was a black day for the Greek left. SYRIZA’s leading team, around Prime Minister Tsipras, subordinated itself completely and absolutely to the demands of the Troika lenders.

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