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2016 presidential elections

Bernie Sets the Stage For 2020 Election

A few weeks ago Bernie Sanders was being written off by the corporate media....

Bloodbath Presidential Debate Shows the Need for an Alternative

Sunday’s Presidential debate was the most brutal and personalized in recorded history, further alienating...

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Don’t Waste Your Vote on the Corporate Agenda — Vote for Jill Stein and the Greens

Most progressives will vote for Clinton to keep Trump out of the White House....

Yes to Political Revolution, Vote Jill Stein

No to Racist Bigotry, No to Corporate Oligarchy The 2016 presidential election seems like a...

Debate: Socialists and the Bernie Sanders Campaign

Socialist Alternative (SA) and the International Socialist Organization (ISO) are publishing an exchange on...

Kshama Sawant: Why I’m Petitioning Bernie to Run Independent

I’m launching a petition calling on Bernie to run independent and launch a new...

Election Turmoil

Bernie Sanders campaign - an opportunity to build a new party of the 99% By...

Video: Socialist Kshama Sawant Speaks at Bernie Sanders’ Mass Rally

Socialist Kshama Sawant spoke to one of Bernie Sander’s biggest rallies to date on...

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