Finance Report Instructions

How to fill out a finance report  

First, visit this page: finance report

Login: treasurer.

On that page you will find a simple online form where you can fill in all the money that was collected during the specific period on which you’re reporting on.

Typically finance reports are submitted monthly, no later than the last day of the month. Sometimes finance reports may be requested on a, bi-monthly, weekly, or other basis, according to the need of knowing where Socialist Alternative is standing with finances.

Filling out the finance report

Start with filling out your name, your email address, and your branch.

Next, write the beginning and ending of the period on which you report on. Again, typically a monthly report unless another reporting period is requested. Check the ‘Amended Report’ box if the report you’re submitting is an amendment to a report you already submitted.

Dues chart

First, download the Dues Report template, available on the page.

The dues report is divided into a cash chart for people who pay in cash or checks and an autodues chart.

In the cash dues chart, list all members in the branch who pays dues with cash/checks. If the space is too short, add lines according to the instructions on the dues report. Then write down their monthly pledge.

The next column is for what was actually collected. If a member paid for only 1 month, write down that amount. If they paid for more, write down the total amount. For example, if a member’s pledge is $50 and they paid $400, put down the total amount that was paid, $400.

Next is “For which month(s)”. Here you fill in the actual months which the dues were paid for. For example, if the $50 pledge member owed money since February, and paid $400, fill in ‘Feb-Sep’. If they paid $50 for August, you put down ‘August’, etc.

There’s also a ‘Notes’ tab, in case that there are any questions or special notes. Please write ‘new member’ near a new member and ‘cut’ near someone who’s no longer a member (no need to put their name again in future reports).

The Autodues chart is under the cash dues chart. List first and last name of all members on autodues and their monthly pledge.  If you’re not sure what a member’s autodues pledge is, please advise with the national finance team ([email protected]).

‘Any cash collected’ should be filled in only in case that a member paid in cash/check. That might be the case if a member paid to cover back-dues from before they got on autodues or in case their autodues didn’t go through and they paid in cash for that month. Whatever the reason is, write it in the next column, ‘Explain cash’.

Once you’re done filling out the dues chart upload it to the online report and fill in the box “Total dues” with the dues amount that was collected.

Other income

At the Other income section, submit the amounts raised during the period you report on in Paper sales, fighting fund, and other national income.

Enter the amount that was collected for papersales, not the number of papers that the branch sold.  A typical paper sale is calculated by $2/paper, with anything above that going to fighting fund. If a paper was sold for $5, $2 goes towards paper sales (which goes to national) and $3 towards fighting fund.

Fighting fund is split between local and national funds, with the current division 50/50. Fighting fund is a sweeping category for donations to the organization — money above $2 for a paper and most other donations we get are typically fighting fund. Branches should take on fighting fund initiatives to develop regular income, and fighting fund is a crucial aspect of national finance.

Other national income could be, for example, pledges raised in special appeals for Socialist Alternative and not to a local branch.

Branch withholding

The first box in branch withholding, ‘Fighting Fund withheld’ is calculated automatically. The next, ‘Other branch withholdings’ should be filled out if the national organization owes money to the branch. If that is the case, please confirm with the national finance team before sending the report.

‘Current branch funds’ is the amount of money the branch had before filling in the report. If you’re reporting on the period between August 1st – August 15th, put down the amount of fighting fund that the branch had before August 1st.


The totals section is calculated automatically according to the amounts you submitted.

Make sure that the ‘TOTAL Local’ amount matches the funds that your branch actually has.

Once you finished filling out the finance report, press ‘submit’ and a copy of the report will be sent to you and to the national finance team. You still need to confirm with [email protected] that the funds are available to be withdrawn from the local account.

You can use your copy for your finance report at branch meetings. Once you receive an email confirmation of your report, forward it on to your BC, and any regional finance organizer.