Socialist Alternative

Campaigning for Immigrant Rights — Donations Needed

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Socialist Alternative is working with immigrant rights groups to organize mass walkouts of students and workers to stop the government’s anti-immigrant legislation and full amnesty.

We need to raise thousands of dollars to distribute tens of thousands of leaflets, buttons, posters, and educational newsletters. However, immigrant workers often have very little to donate, and our supporters are mostly low-income. If we had more funding, we could reach many more people with our literature, teach-ins, and protests.

So, please, take a moment to donate, whether you can contribute $5 or $500. Thanks for your support!

Checks payable to Socialist Alternative can be sent to PO Box 45343, Seattle, WA 98145.

Build Our Fighting Fund

In 2005, we reached our Fighting Fund target of every Socialist Alternative member raising, on average, $10 a month in donations from the public. So, the National Committee recently decided to raise our target to each member raising $15/month on average by May.

Since we are spending thousands of dollars to help build immigrant rights protests and to send people to our international summer school, we need to be bold about asking every protestor we talk to for a donation and have a large donations bucket on our literature tables, which worked really well at recent immigrant protests.

We can sell our new immigrant rights buttons by pinning lots of them to our bags at the protests and asking for “$1, $2 or any donation” — a great phrase to use when selling our newspaper, too. Other good fundraisers are yard sales, BBQ parties, raffles, or showing the film “Walkout” about the dramatic1968 Chicano student walkouts in East LA against discriminatory school conditions, and leafleting for the film at the protests.

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