The Iraq war has cost nearly $300 billion and the lives of over 1,700 U.S. soldiers and 100,000 Iraqi civilians. A majority of Americans have turned against the war, but Bush says “we need to stay the course – the sacrifice is worth it.” And the spineless Democrats keep voting to continue the war, too.
We have to stop these politicians. We have to stop this war.
One concrete way to do this is by preventing the military from using our schools as recruiting stations for their war. That’s why Socialist Alternative is organizing Youth Against War and Racism chapters in schools across the country, and a National Day of Action in October of student walk-outs and protests against military recruitment and the war.
We need to distribute over 100,000 leaflets, 20,000 stickers, and 1,000 buttons to make the protests as large as possible. But we cannot afford this with our existing budget; we need your help to raise over $5,000. Please take a moment to send in a donation today, whether it’s $5 or $500.
Checks can be made payable to Socialist Alternative and sent to: P.O. Box 45343, Seattle, WA 98145.
Socialist Alternative branches can help raise the $5,000 at summer festivals and concerts, like the Minneapolis branch which raised $700 at Gay Pride! They raised this by campaigning against military recruitment in schools, setting high targets, revolutionizing their fundraising methods, and thoroughly planning out the details in advance.
They asked people to sign our petition against military recruitment in schools and asked every person who signed for a donation. The key was explaining the specific amount needed for the leaflets, stickers, and buttons for the October National Day of Action so people knew their donation would go towards something concrete and effective. A few relevant articles were pointed out; newspapers were offered for a donation of $1 or more, and buttons for $2 or more.